Unit 54, 55 Инфинитив после глаголов. Частица TO перед глаголом

By | 06.10.2016

1. These verbs have the structure verb + object + to … :

  • tell
  • order
  • remind
  • warn
  • force
  • invite
  • encourage
  • persuade
  • teach
  • enablel
  • get( = persuade)

Example: Can you remind me to call Sam tomorrow?

2. These verbs are followed by to … (infinitive). The structure can be:

verb + to … OR verb + object + to … :

  • want
  • expect
  • ask
  • beg
  • help
  • mean ( = intend)
  • would like
  • would prefer

Example: Would you like to go now?

Example: Would you like me to go now?

Listen to audio №1 and write your answer.






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