… was Mary they promoted, not Laura.

It was decided that we should all swim across the lake before breakfast.
It is accepted that research into cancer has advanced considerably in the last few years.
It was his sister who ran the marathon in New York, wasn’t it?
Was it the printer that caused the problem?
It was Mary they promoted, not Laura.
It seems they’ve all lost contact since they met at the wedding.
It occurred to me that we might visit them while we are in South Africa.
I must say, local people will consider it to be an insult that they have not learned to speak a few words of the language.
I find it surprising to see so many people here.
I find it amazing that they’ve never stopped arguing about football.
Was it the printer that caused the problem?
Объясните, пожалуйста как правильно перевести:
это был тот принтер, который вызвал проблему?
это было что-то (то), что вызвало проблему принтера?
это был тот принтер, который вызвал проблему — этот вариант