Complete the sentences. Use the following verbs (in the correct form) + on or off. Sometimes you will need other words as well:
- carry
- finish
- get
- get
- get
- go
- rip
- tell
A: Why were you late for work this morning? B: I overslept. My alarm dock didn’t ***.
go off
A: How are you getting on in your new job? B: Fine, thanks. lt’s going very well.
A: Have you written the letter you had to write? B: I’ve started it. I’ll finish it off in the morning.
A: We took a taxi to the airport. It cost £40. B: £40! Normally it costs about £20. You were ripped off.
A: Why were you late for work this morning? B: I overslept. My alarm dock didn’t go off.
A: How did you get on in your interview? Do you think you’ll get the job? B: I hope so. The interview was OK.
A: Did you stop playing tennis when it started to rain? B: No, we carried on playing. The rain wasn’t very heavy. (playing; *went on playing* is also possible but don’t put in it)
A: Some children at the next table in the restaurant were behaving very badly. B: Why didn’t their parents tell them off?
A: Why does Paul want to leave his job? B: He doesn’t get on well with his boss. (well)