Put in the correct preposition.
Do you spend much money *** clothes?

The school provides all its students with books.
A strange thing happened to me a few days ago.
Mark decided to give up sport so that he could concentrate on his studies.
I don’t believe in working very hard. It’s not worth it.
My present job isn’t wonderful, but I prefer it to what I did before.
I hope you succeed in getting what you want.
As I was coming out of the room, I collided with somebody who was coming in.
There was an awful noise as the car crashed into a tree.
Jim is a photographer. He specializes in sports photography.
Do you spend much money on clothes?
The country is divided into six regions.
I prefer travelling by train to driving. It’s much more pleasant.
Somebody broke into my car and stole the radio.
I felt quite cold but Peter insisted on having the window open.
Some words are difficult to translate from one language into another. (one language)
What happened to the money I lent you? What did you spend it on?
The teacher decided to split the class into four groups.
I filled the tank but unfortunately I filled it with the wrong kind of petrol.
Елена, здравствуйте! 🙂
В предложении Some words are difficult to translate from one language into another another. (one language)
2 раза повторяется another. И в поле для ответа и в самих ответах)
Да, это нужно исправить. Спасибо за внимательность
Вам спасибо 🙂 Жду с нетерпением 138 — 145 🙂
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