The Earl of Shining

By | 08.04.2017

Word List. Unit 27

  • An analogy is a connection made between things to show that they are similar.
    The doctor made an analogy between the human heart and a water pump.
  • A person’s ancestry is the series of people from whom a person descended.
    We studied our ancestry and found out that we are related to royalty.
  • An archer is a person who uses a bow and arrows.
    The expert archer hit the target every time.
  • A conspiracy is a secret plan made by a group of people to do something illegal.
    Some people think that there was a conspiracy to kill American president John Кеппеб
  • A deputy is the second-highest-ranking person in a business or government.
    While the sheriff was ill, the deputy took over his duties.
  • An earl is a nobleman from Britain.
    The Earl of Canterbury lived in a huge mansion.
  • When something is fragrant, it has a pleasant smell.
    The girl picked delicious berries and fragrant flowers.
  • A funnel is an object with a wide top and a narrow bottom for pouring liquids.
    The worker used a funnel when he poured the oil into the engine.
  • If something is hereditary, it is a trait passed onto children from their parents.
    The hereditary disease affected three generations of children.
  • A hymn is a religious song that often praises a god.
    The book was filled with hymns that the worshippers sang.
  • To invert something means to turn it upside down.
    He inverted the bicycle to make repairs on the wheels.
  • Prey is the animals that are hunted and eaten by another creature.
    The lion ran as fast as he could to catch his prey.
  • A procession is a group of people who walk or drive in a line during a public event.
    The procession all celebrated when they reached the end.
  • A prophet is a person chosen by a god to give the god’s message to people.
    Harold believed that he was one of the prophets of his god.
  • When something is sarcastic, it is the opposite of what is actually meant.
    She hurt her mother’s feelings with her constant sarcastic remarks.
  • Seasoning is a mix of salt, herbs, and spices that improves the taste of food.
    This steak tastes bland. Maybe I’ll add some seasoning to it.
  • Sodium is an element that can be used to make substances such as salt.
    Sodium and chloride combine to make table salt.
  • A tyranny is a cruel and unfair government in which one person has power.
    His tyranny was impossible to live under.
  • A tyrant is someone who treats people in a cruel, harsh, and unfair way.
    Our boss is a tyrant. He makes us work long hours for little pay.
  • Vinegar is a strong liquid made from sour wine that is used in cooking.
    Be careful because too much vinegar will ruin the recipe.

The Earl of Shining

In the village of Hampton, there was an old soldier named Michael, but he was known to the world as the Earl of Shining. Michael was once an expert archer and a great lighter. In fact, his skills seemed to be hereditary; all the people in his ancestry were famous warriors. However, he was getting old and no longer wished to fight. One day, he was in the forest hunting prey when he saw a beautiful prophet singing a hymn. She said, “Michael, an evil army is involved in a conspiracy to take over Hampton. You’re the only one who can defeat them and stop the tyranny. The village needs you!”

Michael replied, “But I’m too old to fight! I’m not confident that I can do it.” The prophet said, “You must try. I will even make a potion to increase your strength.” The prophet took out a bottle and a funnel. She poured some vinegar and garlic into the bottle. Next, she added some seasoning and sodium and shook it up. Michael smelled the potion. “Wow, this is fragrant,” he said in a sarcastic tone. He inverted the bottle and drankthe whole potion. He immediately felt stronger. “I’ll try my best,” he promised. Michael rode his horse to a hilltop, where he could see the village of Hampton below. He saw the evil tyrant and his men marching in a procession through the town.

Michael charged down the hill and into the village. An enemy deputy officer shouted, “He looks as strong as an ox!” It was an apt analogy. Michael grabbed the officer and threw him across the street with one arm. The rest of the officers screamed and rode away, and their army followed. The prophet reappeared. Michael said, “It’s a good thing you gave me the potion.” She replied, “But Michael, the potion was fake! Your strength really came from having confidence! Michael realized he really was still great. He just needed to believe in himself.

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